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Nivo: Forumski doajen
Registriran(a): 31-01-2008
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IP: Maskiran

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Stadion FC Barcelona - Camp Nou

Camp Nou je nogometni stadion u Barceloni, pokrajini Kataloniji u Španjolskoj. Na njemu domaæe utakmice igra F.C. Barcelona. Camp Nou na katalonskom znaèi novo igralište. Stadion ima kapacitet 98 787 gledatelja. Službeno ime do 2000. godine je bilo Estadi del FC Barcelona ili Stadion F.C. Barcelone. Od tada se naziva Camp Nou po popularnom nadimku za stadion, a tako su odluèili èlanovi kluba glasanjem.

Stadion su projektovali Francesc Mitjans Miró and Josep Soteras Mauri, Lorenzo García Barbón, i napravljen je izmeðu 1954 and 1957 godine. Potroseno je ukupno 288 miliona pezosa. Ukupna duzina cijelog stadiona je 250 metara a sirina 220 metara ne racunajuci samo teren koji je dug 105 a sirok 68 metara. Kapacitet od 98. 787 gledatelja ga cini najvecim stadionom u Evropi. Inace, taj kapacitet je s godinama varirao. Kada je prvi put otvoren, 1957 godine, bilo je 93,053 sjedecih mjesta dok je 1982 mogao da primi 120.000 gledalaca. Zbog novih pravila i sigurnosti danas prima blizu 99 000.

a ovako bi trebao izgledati

10-04-2009 at 12:38 | Ukljuèi u odgovor
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Nivo: Forumski doajen
Registriran(a): 31-01-2008
Odgovori: 20460
IP: Maskiran

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Svi predsjednici FC Barcelona

Joan Laporta Estruch (2003-?)
Enric Reyna Martínez (2003)
Joan Gaspart i Solves (2000-2003)
Josep Lluís Núnez (1978-2000)
Raimon Carrasco Azemar (1977-7
Agustí Montal i Costa (1969-1977)
Narcís de Carreras (1968-1969)
Enric Llaudet (1961-196
Francesc Miró-Sans (1953-1961)
Enric Martí (1952-1953)
Agustí Montal i Galobart (1946-1952)
Josep Vendrell (1943-1946)
Josep Antoni de Albert (1943)
Josep Vidal-Ribas (1942)
Enrique Pineyro (Marques de la Mesa de Asta) (1940-1942 / 1942-1943)
Josep Sunyol (1935-1936)
Esteve Sala (1934-1935)
Joan Coma (1931-1934)
Antoni Oliver (1931)
Tomas Rosés (1929-1930)
Arcadi Balaguer (1925-1929)
Enric Cardona (1923-1924)
Ricard Graells (1919-1920)
Gaspar Rosés (1916-1917 / 1920-1921 / 1930-1931)
Rafael Llopart (1915-1916)
Joaquim Peris de Vargas (1914-1915)
Alvar Presta (1914)
Francesc de Moxó (1913-1914)
Otto Gmelin (1909-1910)
Joan Gamper (1908-1909 / 1910-1913 / 1917-1919 / 1921-1923 / 1924-1925)
Vicenš Reig (190
Juli Marial (1906-190
Josep Soler (1905-1906)
Arthur Witty (1903-1905)
Paul Haas (1902-1903)
Bartomeu Terrades (1901-1902)
Walter Wild (1899-1901)[FONT

[Edited by primus inter pares on 09-04-2009 at 23:42 GMT]

10-04-2009 at 12:41 | Ukljuèi u odgovor
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Nivo: Forumski doajen
Registriran(a): 31-01-2008
Odgovori: 20460
IP: Maskiran

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The slogan ‘més que un club’ (‘more than a club’) was coined on an exact date and by a particular person.

It was president Narcís de Carreras, in his presidential acceptance speech in January 1968 who was the first person to use these words to describe the social importance of FC Barcelona in Catalonia. And, a few year later, in 1973, in his campaign for re-election to the club presidency, Agustí Montal i Costa gave it its definitive form when he adopted it during his election campaign. Barša is “quelcom més que un club de futbol” (“something more than a football club”), was the slogan used in the build up to the elections that were eventually won by Lluís Casacuberta.

Gamper, the key

At the same time, the roots of ‘more than a club’ go back much further. It was an idea first induced by club founder Joan Gamper during his first presidency in 1908. The period when Gamper took the reigns of the club, thus avoiding its dissolution at a dramatic assembly, is well documented. In fact, Gamper’s gesture to save the club from closure has often overshadowed his other great deed of the time. On that famous December 2, 1908, given the collective desertion, Gamper stood up to say “Barcelona cannot and should not die. If there is nobody who wants to try, I shall take full responsibility and look after it in the future.” Gamper, who had founded the club, was now going to save it from disappearing. But more important for the future of the club was they way he wanted to run it. To the original reason why the club was founded, that of doing sport, he added another: for it to be a pro-Catalan club and actively serve its country. And so it was that the club approached the most actively pro-Catalan political sectors and had no doubts about coming out in defence of the identity and national rights of Catalonia, whether than be in support of the ‘Autonomy of the Commonwealth’ or to bring the Olympic Games to Barcelona. The ‘sport and citizenship’ programme created by the executed president Josep Sunyol during the years of the Republic or the actions of president Agustí Montal in leading FC Barcelona to support the 1977 campaign for a Statute of Autonomy and to invite the restored president of the Generalitat, Josep Tarradellas, to the Camp Nou just a few days after his return from exile, were just a few of the practical applications of the idea of being ´més que un club´ (‘more than a club’).
Written into the club statutes
The spirit that Gamper injected into FC Barcelona from 1908 (the year when it could be said that the club was ‘refounded’), has survived to this day and is even present in the current club statutes. It is article 4, describing the functions of the club, which states that the second objective is “complementarily, the promotion and participation in social, cultural, artistic, scientific or recreational activities that are adequate and necessary for maintaining the public representation and projection that the club enjoys, the fruit of a permanent tradition of loyalty and service to club members, citizens and Catalonia”.
´Més que un club´ (‘More than a club’) in Spain
For different, but not contradictory, reasons, for many people living in the rest of Spain, FC Barcelona has also been seen as being ´més que un club´ (‘more than a club’). If in the Catalan case the starting point can be dated to a deliberate decision made by the directors, or better put, that of its president Joan Gamper, in the Spanish case this movement came from below. It was the intellectual classes and left wing politicians that become Barša supporters in recognition of its role in defending democratic rights and freedom.
This movement reached its peak during the Spanish Civil War and under the Franco regime. There were some particularly poignant episodes, such as the tour of America, in which the team was received as ambassadors of the Republic, or the tram strike in 1951, with received the support of Barcelona fans much to the surprise of the Francoist authorities who could not understand why, on that Sunday in the pouring rain, the fans left Les Corts stadium after beating Santander 2-1 and refused to catch any trams. It is moments like these that show how FC Barcelona represents much more than just Catalonia for so many forward-thinking Spaniards.
The Franco regime explains much of the extension of ´més que un club´ (more than a club’) to the rest of the Spanish territory. But it also goes back even further than that. Certain Spanish intellectuals had already alluded to the club back in the twenties, such as poet Rafael Alberti, whose ´Ode to Platko´ is the prime example. Others used the figure of Josep Samitier, another of the key people for understanding the way that FC Barcelona managed to reach much further than its natural sphere of influence.

13-04-2009 at 13:08 | Ukljuèi u odgovor
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Nivo: Forumski doajen
Registriran(a): 31-01-2008
Odgovori: 20460
IP: Maskiran

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13-04-2009 at 13:29 | Ukljuèi u odgovor
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Nivo: Forumski doajen
Registriran(a): 31-01-2008
Odgovori: 20460
IP: Maskiran

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13-04-2009 at 13:40 | Ukljuèi u odgovor
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Nivo: Forumski doajen
Registriran(a): 31-01-2008
Odgovori: 20460
IP: Maskiran

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13-04-2009 at 14:12 | Ukljuèi u odgovor
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Nivo: Forumski doajen
Registriran(a): 31-01-2008
Odgovori: 20460
IP: Maskiran

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13-04-2009 at 14:19 | Ukljuèi u odgovor
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Nivo: Forumski doajen
Registriran(a): 31-01-2008
Odgovori: 20460
IP: Maskiran

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Paklen raspored Barcelone: Jedina europska momèad u utrci za tri titule

PET TJEDANA do kraja vrlo uzbudljive nogometne sezone, Barcelona je i dalje jedina europska momèad s realnim izgledima za tri top-trofeja, ali svaki je trofej još daleko, a raspored paklen. Raèunajuæi sinoænji susret u Valenciji (2:2), momèad Josepa Guardiole ima na programu sedam utakmica u 23 dana, dakle praktièno svakih 80 sati po jednu. Tim ritmom Barca veæ igra neko vrijeme. Druge dvije momèadi koje bi mogle osvojiti trostruku krunu, Chelsea i Hamburger SV, takoðer su u paklenom ritmu, no one su gotovo izgubile izglede u Premiershipu odnosno Bundesligi. Unatoè rekordnoj seriji pobjeda u Primeri (26), približavanju stotini golova (96) i jednoglasno hvaljenoj igri, neodluèeno sinoæ na Mestalli znaèi da bi osporavani Real Madrid nedjeljnim uspjehom u Sevilli došao samo na èetiri boda, a veæ iduæe subote doèekuje Barsu na Santiago Bernabeuu: hoæe li Real, èija se igra ne sviða ni tatama njegovih igraèa, za tjedan dana biti samo na bod od prvog mjesta?
U Ligi prvaka, dvostruki sraz s Chelseajem krajnje je neizvjestan, iako se neutralci kunu da Barca ima kvalitetniju momèad. No, na klupi Chelseaja je trenerski mag Guus Hiddink, a Baršu vodi poèetnik, koliko god bio nadaren. Najlakše æe biti osvojiti Kraljev kup 13. svibnja u Valenciji protiv Athletica, no taj je susret u drugom planu za Katalonce, jer trijumf u tom natjecanju sigurno ne bi spasio sezonu, ako ne bi bio praæen još jednim naslovom. "Ovo je prelijepo da bismo se sada zaustavili", obznanio je Guardiola prošle srijede poslije pobjede nad Sevillom od 4:0, no pitanje je hoæe li njegovi nogometaši imati snage za silne napore koje im predstoje.

Barcelonin raspored:

28. 4. Liga prvaka: Barcelona-Chelsea
3. 5. Primera: Real-Barcelona
6. 5. Liga prvaka: Chelsea-Barcelona
10. 5. Primera: Barcelona-Villarreal
13. 5. Kup: Barcelona-Athletic
17. 5. Primera: Mallorca-Barcelona
24. 5. Primera: Barcelona-Osasuna
27. 5. Liga prvaka: ako se Barca plasira
31. 5. Primera: Deportivo-Barcelona

26-04-2009 at 10:14 | Ukljuèi u odgovor
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Nivo: Forumski doajen
Registriran(a): 31-01-2008
Odgovori: 20460
IP: Maskiran

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Best of

07-05-2009 at 09:16 | Ukljuèi u odgovor
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Nivo: Forumski doajen
Registriran(a): 31-01-2008
Odgovori: 20460
IP: Maskiran

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07-05-2009 at 09:19 | Ukljuèi u odgovor
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