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FORUM : Politika : RS genocidna tvorevina (sabrani primitivizmi)
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Nivo: Forumski doajen
Registriran(a): 21-10-2003
Odgovori: 24024
IP: Maskiran

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icon Re: RS (genocidna tvorevina) sabrana nedjela

29 November, 2008


Federal News Agency (FENA) reported that expert team of the Institute for Missing Persons in Tuzla (ICMP) exhumed 50 complete and 883 partial human remains of Srebrenica genocide victims from mass graves "Kamenica 11" and "Kamenica 12."

PHOTO: A forensic expert, a member of the International Commission for Missing Persons ICMP, marks body parts of Srebrenica genocide victims before excavation at a mass-grave site in the remote mountain area in the village of Kamenica near the Eastern-Bosnian town of Zvornik and some 30km away from Srebrenica (November 200.

Murat Husic, head of the expert team, confirmed these are remains of Srebrenica Bosniaks killed in July 1995. Mass graves also contained victims´ personal belongings. All remains will undergo DNA identification process. According to the number of revealed victims’ remains, these are the largest mass graves recovered in Podrinje. Exhumation from mass grave “Kamenica 11” shall continue while “Kamenica 12” will be closed.

The 1995 Srebrenica genocide claimed lives of 8,000 - 10,000 Bosniaks - men, children, and elderly. More than 4,000 bodies of Srebrenica genocide victims have so far been exhumed from 12 mass graves along the 7-mile road from Srebrenica to the village of Kamenica. The area is more commonly known as "Death Valley."

Kamenica is also the place of the largest mass grave found to date. In August 2006, the bodies of more than 1,000 victims of the 1995 Srebrenica genocide had been exhumed from Kamenica. At that time, the team had exhumed 144 complete and 1,009 partial skeletons. The remains were heavily damaged, a typical feature of "secondary" mass graves to which victims´ bodies are moved from an original burial site in an attempt to hide a crime. The excavation team found bullets mixed with body parts, and plastic and cloth bindings around the victims´ arms. Much of the moving was done with bulldozers, which complicates the identification process.

PHOTO: Forensic worker, a member of International Commission for Missing Persons ICMP, shows a pocket watch found on a body of a Srebrenica genocide victim at a mass-grave site in the remote mountain area in the village of Kamenica near the Eastern-Bosnian town of Zvornik (November 200.

As a result, thousands of bodies still await DNA-identification process run by the International Commission on Missing Persons. According to the director general of the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP), Kathryne Bomberger, DNA confirmed at least 8,000 Srebrenica genocide victims (interview).

moro photo [url

01-12-2008 at 18:25 | Ukljuèi u odgovor
Nivo: Forumski doajen
since 1974

Registriran(a): 08-01-2003
Lokacija: Tuzla
Odgovori: 20623
IP: Maskiran

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icon Re: RS (genocidna tvorevina) sabrana nedjela

Novinar najgledanijeg politièkog magazina u BiH »60 minuta« Slobodan Vaskoviæ otkriva saznanja jedne strane obavještajne službe prema kojima je antidaytonsko djelovanje aktuelne vlasti u RS-u dostiglo vrhunac konceptom tajnog naoružavanja policije RS-a i osnivanje paraobavještajne agencije ALFA.

U dokumentima se tvrdi kako Dodik namjerava primijeniti tzv. slovenaèki model kao najuèinkovitiji jer se Slovenija tijekom osamostaljivanja naoružavala upravo preko policije.

Vaskoviæ tvrdi kako je naoružavanje policije, odnosno paraobavještajne agencije ALFA je priprema RS-a za odcjepljenje od BiH.

- Dodik je želio institucionalizirati ovu agenciju, ali meðunarodna zajednica je to sprijeèila. Zatim se okreæe privatnim zaštitarskim agencijama koje je preuzeo i zaposlio u njima iskljuèivo bivše èlanove obavještajnih službi i vojnih jedinica - tvrdi 60 minunta.

02-12-2008 at 09:56 | Ukljuèi u odgovor
Nivo: Forumski doajen
since 1974

Registriran(a): 08-01-2003
Lokacija: Tuzla
Odgovori: 20623
IP: Maskiran

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icon Re: RS (genocidna tvorevina) sabrana nedjela

Kome æe Dodik prodati grad pod zemljom

U Crnoj Rijeci kod Han Pijeska nalazi se ogromni podzemni kompleks i šta æe biti s njim, još uvijek je nepoznato. Radi se o vojnom objektu izgraðenom prije rata koji se prostire na više od 5.000 kvadratnih metara. To je pravi grad u malom u kojem se može provesti nekoliko sedmica, piše San.

Tokom rata u tom objektu bio je smješten ratni zloèinac Ratko Mladiæ, a podzemni grad je zatvoren i zapeèaæen 2004. godine nakon što je otkriveno da se u njemu Mladiæ, nakon rata, jedno vrijeme krio.

Grad je još uvijek zatvoren. Svojevremeno, nakon peèaèenja, bilo je dogovoreno da æe pripasti opštini Han Pijesak, jer je stavljen na listu neperspektivnih vojnih objekata, pa država BiH nije zaisteresirana za njega i on ostaje u vlasništvu Republike Srpske. Takav stav izazvao je veliko iznenaðenje.

Sada se èeka odluka Vlade Republike Srpske, odnosno njenog predsjednika Milorada Dodika. U Banjaluci se nezvanièno može èuti da Dodik ima još nekih ideja vezanih za taj objekat, odnosno da traži naèin da ga unovèi. Hoæe li to dopzvoliti državne vlasti, ostaje da se vidi.

Vlasti Han Pijeska su, kada im je reèeno da æe dobiti podzemni grad u Crnoj Rijeci, planirale da od njega naprave turistièku atrakciju i da u jednom njegovom dijelu podignu veliki gljivarnik.

Objekat ima tri ulaza, a jedan od njih vodi kroz planinsku kuæicu. U njemu može da se smjesti 500 ljudi i struènjaci kažu da bi tu svi preživjeli pola godine pod uslovom da imaju hranu i najpotrebnije stvari. Objekat ima poseban agregat za snabdijevanje strujom, rezervoar za vodu, filter za zrak, nekoliko kuhinja, kupatila, spavaonica i odlièno opremljenih kabineta i sala za sjednice.

Takoðer ima i posebni centar veze koji je tokom rata koristio ratni zloèinac Mladiæ. Treba reæi da su iz ovog podzemnog grada na planinu Žep izvuèene antene preko kojih se moglo komunicirati sa prostorom cijele bivše Jugoslavije!

Prije èetiri godine sva tri ulaza u podzemni grad u crnoj Rijeci zabetonirao je EUFOR i u sada u preèniku od nekih osam kilometara niko ne živi. Objekat èuvaju pripadnici Oružanih snaga BiH.

U Banjaluci se posljednjih dana prièa da su neki privatnici zainteresirani da preuzmu cijeli taj podzemni grad i da o tome vode povjerljive razgovore sa Miloradom Dodikom.

02-12-2008 at 09:58 | Ukljuèi u odgovor
Nivo: Forumski doajen
Deveram, deveram...

Registriran(a): 01-02-2002
Odgovori: 26140
IP: Maskiran

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icon Re: RS (genocidna tvorevina) sabrana nedjela

04-12-2008 at 19:28 | Ukljuèi u odgovor
Nivo: Forumski doajen
Deveram, deveram...

Registriran(a): 01-02-2002
Odgovori: 26140
IP: Maskiran

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icon Re: RS (genocidna tvorevina) sabrana nedjela

04-12-2008 at 19:28 | Ukljuèi u odgovor
Nivo: Forumski doajen
Registriran(a): 21-10-2003
Odgovori: 24024
IP: Maskiran

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icon Re: RS (genocidna tvorevina) sabrana nedjela


About 5,800 victims of Srebrenica Genocide have been identified through DNA analysis, but they can be reburied only after 70 percent of the bodily remains have been identified. Bosnian Serbs first buried the bodies near the execution sites but then dug out many of them with bulldozers and reburied remains in secondary mass graves in an attempt to hide the crime.

Skeleton remains are marked as forensic experts of the International Commission for Missing Persons (ICMP) search for human remains in a mass grave in the village of Kamenica in the Serb controlled part of the country December 2, 2008. Forensic experts said on Tuesday they unearthed about 1000 skeleton remains of the 1995 Srebrenica genocide victims from the 12th mass grave found in the eastern Bosnian village of Kamenica. We covered this story on November 28 (see photos), and we have more grim updates from Reuters as excavations continue.

"Experts had hoped to complete the exhumations on Wednesday but say the work which started two months ago will finish next week," Reuters reported on December 3rd. Documents recovered from the grave showed the victims were from Srebrenica, forensic experts said (see photos of victims´ personal belongings).

"Almost 90 percent of all remains had traces of bullet shots and some victims were blindfolded with rope-tied hands," said Vedo Tuco, forensic pathologist. "Some of the remains were of 14-to-15-year-old boys. The victims were killed at three locations near Srebrenica and transferred to the village of Kamenica from the original graves three months after the execution... There is a complete chaos in this mass grave. Some of the remains that we found here will probably be re-associated with the bodies that we had exhumed from other mass graves discovered in this village... They probably thought that nobody would ever return here and discover the crime," he added.

According to Reuters, about 5,800 victims of Europe´s worst atrocity since World War Two have been identified through DNA analysis but they can be reburied only after 70 percent of the bodily remains have been identified. Bosnian Serbs first buried the bodies near the execution sites but then dug out many of them with bulldozers and reburied them in "secondary" mass graves in an attempt to hide the crime. Another mass grave has been located in the village but digging will likely start in the spring because of bad winter weather.

"Wherever I go the bones are being dug out and I cannot escape a smell of decaying bodies. This really is a Death Valley," Camila Mehmedovic, 61, told Reuters. "If I knew it would be like this, I would have never returned."

PHOTO UP: A Bosnian Muslim woman, Camila Mehmedovic (61), is a rare villager who returned to Kamenica after the war, mowed grass for her sheep from a nearby field before she learned there was a mass grave below. She gets clean water from a pipe in front of houses destroyed from the war in the Serb controlled part of the country December 2, 2008.

PHOTO UP: A forensic expert of the International Commission for Missing Persons (ICMP) holds remains of a Srebrenica genocide victim in a mass grave in the village of Kamenica in the Serb controlled part of the country December 2, 2008.

PHOTO UP: Bosnian man who is a local resident with his home near to the mass grave site, reacts while forensic experts in background inspect human remains at a mass-grave site in remote mountain area in the village of Kamenica near Eastern-Bosnian town of Zvornik, 80 kms north east of Sarajevo, Bosnia, on Thursday, Oct. 16, 2008. The mass grave is considered to be a secondary mass-grave, where bodies of Srebrenica genocide victims were moved to from another original site.

05-12-2008 at 12:34 | Ukljuèi u odgovor
Nivo: Forumski doajen
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Registriran(a): 01-02-2002
Odgovori: 26140
IP: Maskiran

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icon Re: RS (genocidna tvorevina) sabrana nedjela

05-12-2008 at 22:52 | Ukljuèi u odgovor
Nivo: Forumski doajen
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Registriran(a): 01-02-2002
Odgovori: 26140
IP: Maskiran

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icon Re: RS (genocidna tvorevina) sabrana nedjela

05-12-2008 at 22:53 | Ukljuèi u odgovor
Nivo: Forumski doajen
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Registriran(a): 01-02-2002
Odgovori: 26140
IP: Maskiran

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icon Re: RS (genocidna tvorevina) sabrana nedjela

06-12-2008 at 16:23 | Ukljuèi u odgovor
Nivo: Forumski doajen
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Registriran(a): 01-02-2002
Odgovori: 26140
IP: Maskiran

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icon Re: RS (genocidna tvorevina) sabrana nedjela

06-12-2008 at 16:23 | Ukljuèi u odgovor
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